We will explore your options during consultation and help you decide which option will suit you best.


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Revisional bariatric surgery requires a high degree of technical skill and understanding in metabolic surgery.


While most bariatric procedures have good long term results, there are a few isolated cases where revisional surgery is needed to relieve any difficulties. This can include:

  •          Vomiting, reflux or heartburn
  •          Unable to eat normally
  •          Inadequate weight loss or weight regain
  •          Food intolerance
  •          Device failure such as leaking

In relation to gastric bypass there may also be:

  •          Abdominal pain from internal herniation
  •          Malnutrition

Suitability for revisional bariatric surgery is very dependent on individual circumstances. Revisional bariatric surgery requires a high degree of technical skill and understanding in metabolic surgery, not all bariatric surgeons are trained to perform this type of surgery.

Our experience in revisional surgery ensures that:

  •          revisional surgery is only performed if it is safe to do so, and 
  •          the procedure is performed with the highest level of expertise.

If you have had any of the above symptoms, please let us know and we will arrange a consultation to discuss the options available for revisional surgery. 

Call us on (02) 9525 5322 to book a free consultation
Book an appointment online
  • Sydney
  • Wollongong
  • Dubbo